
Any bleeding occurring during HRT treatment is considered as a nuisance to prayer activities. As a matter of fact, bleeding of this sort is different from the bleeding caused by menstruation. During menstruation prayer is not justifiable, while bleeding caused by HRT use can be justified while performing prayer. The following is written by Professor Hassan Hathout . The word menopause literally means cessation of the menstrual function, and is only a single incident along a broader complex of changes as the woman grows older referred to as the climacteric, which spans perhaps several years. As normal menstrual function is the expression of cyclic hormonal changes associated with ovulation, it follows that the menopause usually heralds cessation of the reproductive function. The human female is almost unique amongst mammals in that her reproductive life does not continue all through her biological life, and it is not uncommon for women to have more than one third of their lives after th...