
Showing posts from February, 2007


Abu 'Abdu'r-Rahman 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "Three men of the past were travelling and took refuge for the night in a cave. They entered it and a rock fell down the mountain and blocked the entrance. They said, 'The only thing that will rescue us from this rock is to call on Allah invoking good actions we have done!' One of them said, "O Allah, my parents are both old and it is my habit never to give milk in the evening either to my family or friends before giving it to them first. One day I went a long way in search of something and did not reach them until they had already gone to bed. I milked their evening drink but found them asleep. I did not want to wake them nor to give my family or friends their evening drink before they had had theirs, so I remained with the cup in my hand waiting for them to wake up until dawn came. The children were at my feet, crying because ...

The Lessons from Death

BY H ARUN Y AHYA Life slips away second by second. Are you aware that every day brings you closer to death or that death is as close to you as it is to other people? As we are told in the verse "Every soul shall taste death in the end; to Us shall you be brought back." (Surat al-'Ankabut: 57) everyone who has ever appeared on this earth was destined to die. Without exception they all died, every one. Today, we hardly come across the traces of many of these people who passed away. Those currently living and those who will ever live will also face death on a predestined day. Despite this fact, people tend to see death as an unlikely incident. Think of a baby who has just opened its eyes to the world and a man who is about to breathe his last. Both had no influence on their individual birth or death whatsoever. Only God possesses the power to inspire the breath of life or to take it away. All human beings will live until a certain day and then die; God in the Qur'an giv...

The Perfect Believer

Bismillaah innal hamdulillaah was salaatu was salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een, wa ba'd... as salaamu `alaykunna wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh- The Perfect Believer Imaam Ibn ul Jawzee Translated from Sayd ul-Khatir, p. 364 Translator is unknown ------------------------------------------------------- The believer is not one who performs the ordained religious duties superficially and avoids what is forbidden only, but he is one whose faith is absolute, with no objection whatsoever arising in his heart and no obsession dwelling in his soul. The more hardships he faces, the more his faith grows and the more his submission strengthens. He could pray and not see a trace of an answer to his prayers, yet he does not change because he knows that he is owned by One who deals with him in whatever way He chooses. For if an objection was to arise in his heart, he then forsakes the role of the slave and takes on the role of a protester such as that of Iblees (the...

The Muslim Woman And Her Husband- Part 1

Marriage In Islam In Islam, marriage is a blessed contract between a man and a woman, in which each becomes "permitted" to the other, and they begin the long journey of life in a spirit of love, cooperation, harmony, and tolerance, where each feels at ease with the other , and find tranquilty, contentment and comfort in the company of the other. The Quran has described this relationship between men and women, which brings love, harmony, trust and compassion, in the most moving and eloquent terms: (And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquilty with them, and He has put love and mercy between your [hearts]...(Quran 30:21) This is the strongest of bonds, in which Allah (subhaanahu wa'taaalaa) unites the two Muslim partners, who come together on the basis of love, understanding, co-operation and mutual advice, and establish a Muslim family in which children will live and grow up, and they will develop the ...

Guidance for the Muslim Wife - Part 5

Rasulullah (Sal) said:" The worst person on the day of qiyamah will be the one who reveals their private matters to their friends. This is a major sin which should be abstained from. Nabi Kareem (sal) said:" When a husband calls his wife at night to have relations with her and she refuses without a valid reason, she is cursed throughout the night by angels". Nabi Kareem (Sal) said:" There are 3 persons whose salah is not accepted nor does any good act of theirs reach the sky. Firstly, a runaway slave until he returns to his master. Secondly, a woman whose husband is displeased with her and thirdly an intoxicated person as long he doesnt repent from using intoxicants. Imagine how serious it is to displease the husband that the wife's salah is not accepted nor any other good deeds of hers. Hadhrat Aisha (Ral) says that Rasool(Sal) was sitting amongst the ansaar when a camel came and prostrated before him. Upon thsi the sahaabah (Rali) said" O Prophet of Alla...