Guidance for the Muslim Wife - Part 5

Nabi Kareem (sal) said:" When a husband calls his wife at night to have relations with her and she refuses without a valid reason, she is cursed throughout the night by angels".
Nabi Kareem (Sal) said:" There are 3 persons whose salah is not accepted nor does any good act of theirs reach the sky. Firstly, a runaway slave until he returns to his master. Secondly, a woman whose husband is displeased with her and thirdly an intoxicated person as long he doesnt repent from using intoxicants. Imagine how serious it is to displease the husband that the wife's salah is not accepted nor any other good deeds of hers.
Hadhrat Aisha (Ral) says that Rasool(Sal) was sitting amongst the ansaar when a camel came and prostrated before him. Upon thsi the sahaabah (Rali) said" O Prophet of Allah, if the animals and trees prostrate to you, then we have to prostrate to you". On hearing thus Nabi (Sal) said:" Worship your Sustainer and honour me. Had I given the command to anyone to prostrate, I would have commanded the wife to prostrate to her husband . The husband right is so great that if he commands you to carry a stone from the yellow mountain to the black mountain to the white one, she has to fulfil his duty.
Previous Posts
Guidance for the Muslim Wife. Part 1
Guidance to Muslim Wife- Part 2
Guidance for the Muslim Wife- Part 3
Guidance for the Muslim Wife- Part 4
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