
Showing posts from June, 2009

Women in Hell

Asslamau`alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakathu, Imam Ali ibna Abu Thalib and Hadrat Fatimah once visited the Prophet SAW and found him in tears. They asked him the cause and he replied: 'O Ali, on the night of my ascension (Miraj) I saw women of my ummah who were being severily punished that I became concerned for them and started cyring. I saw a woman who had been hung by her breast. Then I saw a second woman who was eating her own flesh and fire raged below her. A third woman was hanging by her tongue and boiling water was being poured down her throat. A fourth was bent over, her hands and feet were tied together, and snakes and scorpions were crawling all over her A fifth was deaf, dumb, and blind, enclosed in a cage of fire, her brain oozing out of the holes in her skull. Her body fell apart due to leprosy. Another was hung by her feet, inside and over. Yet another woman's body was being shredded to pieces by scissors made of fire. One woman had a head ...

Duas during Pregnancy

Recite the following: 1-6 months- recite Surah luqman (luqman (alai)'s advice to his son) for baby to obey that advice. recite Surah yusuf for baby to be as beautiful as prophet yusuf (alai). 5-9 months- recite Surah An- aam for baby without any disorder, for the baby to come out a whole and healthy baby. recite Surah Maryam for labour pains to b easy like for maryam (alai). recite Surah Muhammed for child to have Muahammed (sal)'s good qualities. recite Surah yaseen-for knowledge WHEN BABY IS BORN- Immediately a good alim, or the baby's father should say the Athan in the right ear and the iqaama in the left. Preferably a good alim, or the father should chew some dates, and keep a drop of juice on the newborn baby's tongue. it is the sunnath of rasool (sal). Recite Surah al-haaqqa to zam zam water and give 1 drop to baby, to sharpen babys knowledge. Hold baby's head and say al-barru 7 times. recite Surah Al- quadr close to baby's e...

Hadeeth of the Day

    -------------------- Subject: DOES GOD EXIST?   Dear Brothers and Sisters   Asslamu'alaikum   There is an important necessity to understand what faith is, how can we clear our doubts that God exist or not?, how can we prove that our faith is true, what are the evidence we have got to believe in God, Why we should believe in God!   Some may deny that they haven't got these doubts but some may admit that they have these doubts!   Here is a link which all Muslims believers and non Muslims should watch this video on the topic "Does God Exist?"   In this lecture Abdurraheem Green addresses the age-old question, "Does God Exist ?" The lectures begins by defining what a God is and continues to explore why it is common sense to believe in a Creator. He then brings forth the evidences from the Muslim Holy Scripture, The Quran, to detail the existence of the one true God   Brother Abdul Raheem Green from UK, Currently, he is wo...

Hadeeth of the day

          -------------------- Subject: Hadith Of the Day   Narrated by Hafsa (Radhiallaho anha): Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam)said, "It is not sinful (of a Muhrim) to kill five kinds of animals, namely: the crow, the kite, the mouse, the scorpion and the rabid dog."   Sahih Al Bukhari Vol 3 Number 54   Narrated by Aisha (Radhiallaho anha): A Bedouin came to Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) and said, "Tell me of such a deed as will make me enter Paradise, if I do it." The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Worship Allah, and worship none along with Him, offer the (five) prescribed compulsory prayers perfectly, pay the compulsory Zakat, and fast the month of Ramadan The Bedouin said, "By Him, in Whose Hands my life is, I will not do more than this." When he (the Bedouin) left, the Prophet said, "Whoever likes to see a man of Paradise, then he may look at this man."   Sahi...

Hadeeth of the Day

          -------------------- Subject: "O Lord, grant me your love   The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self." (Bukhari)   "O Lord, grant me your love, grant me that I love those who who love you grant me, that I might do the deeds that win your love. Make your love dearer to me than the love of myself, my family and wealth." (Tirmidhi)   "Verily, a man teaching his child manners is better than giving one bushel of grain in alms." (Muslim)   "It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path, that leads to bliss." (Muslim)   "Once a man, who was passing through a road, found a branch of a tree with torns obstructing it. The man removed the thorns from the way. Allah thanked him and forgave his sins." (Bukhari)   "Who are the learned? Those who practice what they know." (Bukhari)   "Who is the most favoured of Allah? He, from whom the greatest good comes to His ...