Duas during Pregnancy

Recite the following:

1-6 months-

  • recite Surah luqman (luqman (alai)'s advice to his son) for baby to obey that advice.
  • recite Surah yusuf for baby to be as beautiful as prophet yusuf (alai).

5-9 months-

  • recite Surah An- aam for baby without any disorder, for the baby to come out a whole and healthy baby.
  • recite Surah Maryam for labour pains to b easy like for maryam (alai).
  • recite Surah Muhammed for child to have Muahammed (sal)'s good qualities.
  • recite Surah yaseen-for knowledge


Immediately a good alim, or the baby's father should say the Athan in the right ear and the iqaama in the left.

Preferably a good alim, or the father should chew some dates, and keep a drop of juice on the newborn baby's tongue. it is the sunnath of rasool (sal).

Recite Surah al-haaqqa to zam zam water and give 1 drop to baby, to sharpen babys knowledge.

Hold baby's head and say al-barru 7 times.

recite Surah Al- quadr close to baby's ears to protect forrm zinah.

Insha Allah, may Allah giv u a lovely baby who is loved by Allah in this world and in the akhira


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