Masha`llah, the following is very concise and practical advice based on the words of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (may Allah preserve him) concerning newlyweds, and marriage in general: Source: at-Talib Prepared by Brother Aslam Patel “You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibn Mãjah) Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat dãmat barakãtuhum advises: 1. Every action is dependant upon intention. When marrying, both partners should therefore make a firm intention to accomplish the following objectives: * Following the Sunnah of our beloved Nabee Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. * Safeguarding oneself from sins. * Parenting pious children. 2. When marrying, each becomes the other’s lifetime companion. Each should understand and appreciate that Allah has brought them both together and that their destiny in life has now become one. Whatever the circumstances: happiness or sorrow; health or sickness; wealth or poverty; comfort or hardship...