The Importance of Remaining Silent- Part 2

People asked Hazrath Isa(Alai) for a way or deed that would enable them to go to heaven. He(Alai) replied," never ever speak". They replied that this would not be possible. So he(alai) said," speak only about good things and nothing else". An individual who remains silent has 2 advantages: 1. His faith in Allah remains alive. 2. He understands what others tell him. Prophet(sal) has said: " When a person awakes in the morning, the different parts of the body warn the body and say that think about us and be scared of Allah because we are connected with you and if you remain straight we will also remain straight, but if you deviate we will also deviate". It is true if the tongue remains straight and is used to say good things then the whole body will benefit from this not only in this world but also in the hereafter, and if the tongue deviates for e.g. if it is used to abuse, insult, backbite, lie, and to create misunderstandings amongst others then sometime...