Guidance for the Muslim Wife- Part 4

Rasool(sal) said:"A woman whose 3 children die in infancy or before reaching the age of puberty and who bears the loss with patience, hoping for reward will most certainly enter heaven." Therfore if we are confronted with such a calamity, we should have patience and forbearance. To wail and mourn is not the habit of a muslim wife. It (the child) was the property of Allah which he took back. However it is not sinful to shed tears.
Nabi Kareem(sal) said:"The best women of my Ummath are those that are beautiful and whose dowry is less". What wisdom is there in unnecessarily burdening the husband with an extravagent dowry especially if he cannot afford it? The success of the marriage is the mutual love of the partners which cannot be purchased by wealth.
Rasool(sal) said:" Whoever consoled a woman that lost her child will be given clothes of paradise to wear. i.e. when you go to offer your condolences to a woman who lost her child, do not join her in wailing and crying. On the contrary, speak to her in such a manner so as to induce patience in her. Allah has promised a person who does this the garments of jannah.
Rasool(sal) said that Allah says "Sight is a poisonous a arrow of the devil. Whosoever whether male or female protects himself or herself from evil glances will be granted a sweet Iman(faith) which will please his/her heart". The disease of glancing men without regarding it as sinful is common among women. This can occur even though they (the woman) may be fully concealed. The arrow of shaitaan works discreetly.

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