The Greatest Calamity to Befall the Muslims
The Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam Takes his last Breath
When the pangs of death started , Aaisha radiallahu anha leant him against her. She used to say : One of Allahs bounties upon me is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe was salaam died in my house, while I am still alive. He died between my chest and neck while he was leaning against me. Allah has mixed his saliva with mine at his death. For Abdur Rahman ( the son of Abu Bakr) - came in with a Siwak in his hand, while I was leaning the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe was salaam against me. I noticed that he was looking at the Siwak, so I asked him - for I knew that he wanted it- " Would you like me to take it for you?" He nodded in agreement. I took it and gave it to him. As it was too hard for him. I asked him " Shall I soften it for you?" He nodded in agreement.
So I softened it with my saliva and he passed it( on his teeth ).
In another version it is said : So he brushed ( Istanna) his teeth as nice as he could." There was a water container( Rakwa) available at his hand with some water in. He put his hand in it and wiped his face with it and said :
"There is none worthy of worship but Allaah, Death is full of agonies ."
As soon as he finished his Siwaak, brushing, he raised his hands or his finger up, looked upwards to the ceiling and moved his lips . So Aaisha listened to him. She heard him say : " With those on whom you have bestowed your grace with the Prophets and the truthful ones ( As -Siddeeqeen ), the martyrs and the good doers. O Allah forgive me and have mercy upon me and join me to the companionship on high. Then at intervals he uttered these words: " The most exalted Companionship on high. To Allah we turn and to him we turn back for help and last abode." This event took place at high morning time on monday, the twelfth of Rabi' al- Awaal, in the eleventh year of al Hijrah. He was sixty three years and four days old when he died.
Taken from : Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum
The Sealed Nectar
The Biography of the Noble Prophet salallalahu alayhe was salaam

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