Niyahs for Ghusul Bath and Duas for various occassions.

Dua before having sexual intercourse with your spouse.
Bismillahi Allahumma Jan'nibnaash shaitaana wa'jan'nibiish'shaitaana maa'razakthanaa.
In the name of Allah. Protect us from Shaitaan and from his bad intentions.

Dua after having sexual intercourse with your spouse.
Allahumma Laa'thajhal Lishaitaani feeymaa razakthaniy naseeybaa
Oh Allah! Do not make my part of benefit also has a part of Shaitan.

Niyyah for Ghusl Bath after having sexual intercourse.
Navaithu an'ahthasila huslan minal'janaabathi wathahaarathan lil'badni waa'sthibaahathan lis'salaathi ashhadu'anlaahilaaha il'lal'lahu wa'ashadu an'na'muhammadar'rasoolul'lahi.

Niyyah for Ghusl Bath after your monthly mensuration
Navaithu an'ahthasila huslan minal'haiyley wathahaarathan lil'badni waa'sthibaahathan lis'salaathi ashhadu'anlaahilaaha il'lal'lahu wa'ashadu an'na'muhammadar'rasoolul'lahi.

Niyyah for Ghusl Bath at the end of forty days of mensuration after delivery.
Navaithu an'ahthasila huslan minan'nifaasi wathahaarathan lil'badni waa'sthibaahathan lis'salaathi ashhadu'anlaahilaaha il'lal'lahu wa'ashadu an'na'muhammadar'rasoolul'lahi.


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    Islamic Dua for safe Journey service is widely used by not only Islamic people, but other religion’s people also using this Dua for their safe journey. When you have to go for a long journey, you need to recite the following Islamic Dua

  7. Is it compulsory to recite 5 kalimas wen u be paak after menstruation?


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