
Showing posts from April, 2007

The Mark of Prostration (On the Forehead)

Question: Is there any proof that the mark that develops on the forehead from prostration is a sign of righteousness? Answer: This is not a sign of righteousness; rather, light on one's face, calmness in ones chest, good manners, and the like are. As for the mark that results from prostrating, it even shows up on the face on those people who only pray the obligatory prayers, from some kind of sensitivity in their skin. And it does not appear on the faces of some people who pray often and who prolong their prostrations. Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen Fatawa Islamiyah vol.8, p.330 DARUSSALAM

How does a learned person call to Allaah

In The Name of Allaah The Merciful The Dispenser of Mercy Assalaamu 'Alaykunna Wa Rahmatuallahi Wa Barakatuhu Know, may Allaah direct you to obedience to Him, that the true and straight Religion, the way of Ibraaheem is that you worship Allaah alone making the Religion purely and sincerely for Him. taken from How Does a Learned Person Call to Allah? Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah Excerpted from the translator's footnotes to "An Explanation of Riyadh al-Saliheen" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen Translated from al-Fawa'id by Sajad ibn `Abdur Rahman, © 1998 Sajad Rana An advice on how to call to Allah the people immersed in the Dunya Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah The learned individual does not command the people to abandon the Dunya, for they are incapable of abandoning it. Rather he instructs them to abandon wrongdoing with their [continue] residence in the Dunya. For the abandonment of the Dunya is supererogatory, but the abandonment o...


Dawn prayer prevents heart diseases: study Published: Friday, 9 March, 2007, 10:20 AM Doha Time RECENT scientific research has shown performing Fajr (dawn) prayer regularly in time daily is the best preventive and remedial measure for heart diseases, congestion of blood vessels, arteriosclerosis and cardiac infarction which causes brain stroke. A research conducted by the Jordanian Heart Doctors Society said the studies established that the cardiac infarction disease, which is one of the most dangerous diseases and congestion of blood vessels, was mainly caused by long hours of sleep in the day or night. The study showed if a person slept for long, his heart beat rate drops to 50 per minute and the blood flows very slowly leading to accumulation of salts and fats on walls of blood vessels in particular in wall of the coronary artery consequently causing a blockage. The congestion of blood vessels weaken the heart muscle which pumps blood to and from the brain leading to heart attack or...

Importance of Friday

Every Muslim should prepare for Jum'ah from Thursday. After Asr on Thursday one should increasingly read Istighfaar etc. That person shall obtain the most benefit of Jum'ah who awaits it and prepares for it from Thursday. Rasulallah ( S.A.W . ) has said : " The best day of the week that the sun rises on, is the day of Jum'ah." The night of Jum'ah (the night between Thursday and Friday ) is more blessed and the day of Jum'ah is most blessed. Friday is the best among all days. Friday is an Eid for the Believers. Adam (R.A.) was created on Friday, He was granted entrance into Jannah on Friday, He was descended onto Earth on Friday, He died on Friday, Qiyaamah will also take place on Friday. Among the seven days of the week, Friday is the day when Allah's special mercies are granted. It is a day of gathering for the Muslims and rewards are increased. Many great events took place on this day, and yet take place. Hazrat Abu Saeed kh u dri (R.A.) says that Ra...

Four Pillars of Kufr

Assalamu alaikuna, The four pillars of Kufr (disbelief) By Dawood Adeeb Request from : Islaam has 5 pillars. Kufr also has pillars. Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullaah) told us to memorize the 4 pillars of Kufr and stay away from them. The pillars of Kufr are four: 1) Kibr – Pride or arrogance (haughtiness) : when the pride has arrogance or pride, it prevents him from being submissive. It prevents him from surrendering. It prevents the person from submitting which is a pillar of Islaam. That is why Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) has informed us that (Tirmidh) : that the people of Mutakaddirun, the people of kibr will be gathered to get together on the Day of Resurrection as ants and humans and will be surrounded by humiliation and they will be drive to a jail or prison in the Hellfire. The name of the prison of Hellfire is not Dallaas… They will be drink from the juice of the people of Hellfire… Ulama of Islaam, they say that this juice (filth, puss, blood) from the peo...