Importance of Friday

Every Muslim should prepare for Jum'ah from Thursday. After Asr on
Thursday one should increasingly read Istighfaar etc. That person shall
obtain the most benefit of Jum'ah who awaits it and prepares for it from

Rasulallah ( S.A.W . ) has said : " The best day of the week that the
sun rises on, is the day of Jum'ah." The night of Jum'ah (the night
between Thursday and Friday ) is more blessed and the day of Jum'ah is
most blessed.

Friday is the best among all days. Friday is an Eid for the Believers.
Adam (R.A.) was created on Friday, He was granted entrance into Jannah
on Friday, He was descended onto Earth on Friday, He died on Friday,
Qiyaamah will also take place on Friday.

Among the seven days of the week, Friday is the day when Allah's special
mercies are granted. It is a day of gathering for the Muslims and
rewards are increased. Many great events took place on this day, and
yet take place.

Hazrat Abu Saeed kh u dri (R.A.) says that Rasulallah (S.A.W.) has said
that: "Whoever recites Suratul-Kahf on Friday (the night between
Thursday and Friday) enjoys the illumination between two Fridays."
(Nasai) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A.) says that Rasulallah (S.A.W.)
has said that:"Whoever recites Suratul-Kahf on Friday, will enjoy a
light shining from his feet to the heaven and will have his sins
forgiven committed between the two Fridays." ( Ibn Marduya ).

It is reported from Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.) that Rasulallah (S.A.W)
has said that: "Whoever recites Sura Ham-Mim Dukhan on Friday, (the
night between Thursday and Friday) enjoys the prayer of 70,000 angels
for his forgiveness and gets all sins forgiven." ( Tirmizi ).

Hazrat Abdulla Bin Abbas (R.A.) says that Rasulallah ( S.A.W.) has said
that: "Whoever recites Suratul-Aale Imran on Friday, angels shower
divine salutation on him till sunset." ( Tibrani ).

Al Isbahaani reports from Ibn Abbas (R.A .) that Rasulallah
(S.A.W.)said: "The one who performs 2 raka'at after Maghrib on Friday
night (the night between Thursday and Friday ) and reads in every rakaat

once Suratul-Al Fatiha and Suratul Zilzaal ( Iza zul zilatil Ardhu )
15 times, Allah will ease for him the Sakaraat of Death ( the moment of
death ) and will save him from the punishment of the grave and make easy
for him the crossing of the Siraat.

Hazrat Abu Amama ( R.A. ) says that Rasulallah ( S.A.W. ) has said : "
The bath of Friday, pulls out every sin of the man from its root.(
Tibrani )

Hazrat Abu Huraira ( R.A. ) says that Rasulallah ( S.A.W . ) has said
: " whoever goes out for Friday prayer after making proper ablution and
listens to the sermon sitting quietly , gets all his sins forgiven not
only from one Friday to the next, but also the sins of three days

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masud ( R.A.) reports that Rasulallah(S.A.W.) had
said: "The order of sitting before Allah will be just as order of
attendance on Friday. Whoever comes first in mosque on Friday will have
his seat nearest to Allah, the second one will have the second seat and
third one will have the third seat and fourth one will also not be very
far from Allah." ( Ibn Maaja )

After the Jum'ah Salaat read as follows :
Suratul-Fatiha 7 times,
Suratul-Iklaas 7 times,
Suratul-Falaq 7 times,
Suratul-Naas 7 times.
Allah said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you."

May Allah help u to succeed...Ameen


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