Four Pillars of Kufr

Assalamu alaikuna,

The four pillars of Kufr (disbelief)

By Dawood Adeeb

Request from :

Islaam has 5 pillars.

Kufr also has pillars.

Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullaah) told us to memorize the 4 pillars of Kufr and stay away from them.

The pillars of Kufr are four:

1) KibrPride or arrogance (haughtiness) : when the pride has arrogance or pride, it prevents him from being submissive. It prevents him from surrendering. It prevents the person from submitting which is a pillar of Islaam. That is why Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) has informed us that (Tirmidh) : that the people of Mutakaddirun, the people of kibr will be gathered to get together on the Day of Resurrection as ants and humans and will be surrounded by humiliation and they will be drive to a jail or prison in the Hellfire. The name of the prison of Hellfire is not Dallaas… They will be drink from the juice of the people of Hellfire… Ulama of Islaam, they say that this juice (filth, puss, blood) from the people of the Hellfire.. the drink, the beverage of Hellfire.

2) Wal Hasadu wal Baddah : Envy and jealousy & Rancour and hatred.. it prevents that sister or brother or Sunii or Salafi (sometimes) from accepting naseehah and giving naseehah. Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) also collected by Tirmidhi said : It is a shaver ..(not the shaver of the hair).. it shaves your Imaan.. the destroyer.. the shaver means destroyer..

Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) swears..Wallaahi…I swear by the One whose soul is in His hands : U won't enter Jannah.. until you believe and your belief will be deficient until you love for one another.. Shall I inform you about the thing that strengthens the love between you.. spread the salams amongst yourself.

So 2nd pillar is Hasad because it prevents the person from accepting naseehah and giving Naseehah.

3) Anger : Ulama say that anger prevents a person from being fair and just. It restricts them. Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said that 3 things that destroy : extreme greed and uncontrollable avarice; the greed that is obeyed and desires that are followed. And a person who is amazed with himself. He looks at himself in the mirror and says "MashaAllaah.' They are into themselves. Look at the way I recite..

A man came to Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) and asked him : advise him.

He told him : Don't become angry.

Because he knew that anger would prevent him from being fair and just.

As for the things that will save you : when you become angry with your boss, your child.. u still have to be just.. he will say things that will lead him to disbelief and may be take him out of Islaam.

Those who control the anger, spend on the people in times of prosperity and adversity and they pardon the people. They are the muhsineen, who are loved by Allaah.. the doers of good.

4) Was-Shahwa : Desires and lust which overcomes you.. it takes u further away from worshipping Allaah. If the pillar of kibr (envy and jealousy) is destroyed, then compliance for the mission is made easy for you to be able to accept the naseehah and give the naseehah. If this 3rd pillar of anger is destroyed, fairness, justness and humility will be easy for her. If he dismantles the desire patience, virtuous, worship will be easy for him. Ibn Qayim said : The removal of mountains from its places/ core of the earth.. is easier than removing these 4 pillars from a person afflicted by this. ..

If we look at the affairs of the nations before us.. the destruction of these people .. those 4 pillars are established in those nations. These become rooted in their hearts.. that haqq will look like falsehood, the good will look like evil and the evil will look like that which is good. Ibn Qayyim said: If the people allows these 4 to take root.. it roots them closer to the dunya and far from Aakhirah.

Desires are like fires, if he kindles it.. it will eventually consume and burn him.

Anger is like a person who is like a wild animal and the person who releases that anger, it begins to attack him and the person outside him.

Envy and jealousy is like a person who is in war with a person who is in war with a king..that person, the king will either kill him or expels him from the kindom. Hasad and kibr go together. He begins to get arrogance. How can we have pride and arrogant.. the thing that produces the urine.. u came from? U settled there for 9 months?

These pillars of kufr arrogance and pride, envy and jealousy and anger and desires have to be done with. Demolish it from your lives so that the pillars of Islaam can be deep rooted in yourself. Or else it is dangerous for you.

Unfortunately we have been receiving reports of brothers and sisters who expose each others sins or go on the internet or tel or write letters to expose your brothers sins. It is hated by Allaah. There is no one who doesn't have sins. This is an act we shall abandon.

Pride is befitting only for Allaah. If you have it, it is negative.


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