Guidelines for Tayammum

AsSalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu.

Guidelines for Performing Tayammum

AUTHOR: Shaikh `Abdullaah bin Saalih Al-`Ubaylaan
SOURCE: His book as-Salaat (The Prayer), which is a transcription
of a lecture he gave (pg. 26-28)

Tayammum is done as a substitution for water. The proof for this is
Allaah's saying: "…and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with
good earth, wiping your faces and hands with it." [Surah Al-
Maa'idah: 6] And also the Prophet's (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam)
saying: "The earth was made a masjid (place of prayer) and purity
for me." [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Tayammum is permitted in two situations:

1. When there is no water to be found
2. When one is not able to use it due to sickness and so on.

Tayammum can be performed for both types of ritual impurities

1. Minor Impurity such as urine and feces, and
2. Major Impurity such as sexual relations or semen excretion.

It is permissible to perform Tayammum with everything that is found
on the earth from its various types, such as sand, dirt and other
types of earth. This is even if the earth is smooth land and there
is no sand or dirt found on it, it is permissible to perform
Tayammum on it.

The evidence for this is what has been reported by Jaabir
(radyAllaahu `anhu) that the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam)
said: "The earth was made a masjid (place of prayer) and a purity
for me. So any man from my ummah (nation) who has the time for
prayer come upon him, then let him pray, for he has his place of
prayer and his purifier with him. So if the prayer time comes upon
him and he is in a land in which there is sand or the prayer time
comes upon him and he is in a smooth surfaced land, then in this
situation, he is ordered to perform Tayammum with this earth."
[Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Such a person can pray what he wishes from the prayers with this
Tayammum, whether the prayer be obligatory or supererogatory. This
is because the ruling that Tayammum takes is the same ruling as
water. So whatever nullifies one's wudoo (ablution), then it also
nullifies and renders void one's Tayammum. However, if water is
found (and one has Tayammum), something extra is required. So if
water becomes available it becomes obligatory for this person to
make wudoo (ablution) with it even if his Tayammum hasn't gotten
nullified by one of the factors that cancel out wudoo.

This is based on the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radyAllaahu `anhu) who
said: "Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said: `The
earth serves as the wudoo (ablution) of the Muslim even if he
doesn't find water for ten years. But if he finds water, then he
should fear Allaah and let his skin touch it." This hadeeth was
reported by Al-Bazaar and it has a supporting witness from a similar
narration of Abu Dharr (radyAllaahu `anhu). However, he does not
have to repeat the prayers he performed while using that Tayammum.

The description of Tayammum, is that one must first make his
intention based on the hadeeth: "Verily, actions are only by
intentions." And then he must mention the name of Allaah (saying
Bismillaah). Then he is to strike the earth with his two hands one
time and then wipe the palms together along with the back of each
hand and his face. This is based on the hadeeth of `Ammaar bin
Yaasir in which occurs: "He (i.e. Allaah's Messenger) struck the
earth one time and then wiped his left palm on his right palm, the
back of his hands and his face." [Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and




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