The Registers of Deeds & Seeking Forgiveness

The Registers of Deeds

In a hadith narrated by Sayyida Aisha, the Prophet said that all the deeds that we perform are written down in three registers:

One register contains the deeds of those who have associated partners with Allah. Allah will not forgive those who commit shirk or polytheism. He forgives all sins except shirk.

The second register contains those deeds that Allah will not forgive, unless they have been compensated for. These are the ones between fellow human beings.

The third register contains the deeds about our personal duties to Allah. They are the deeds between man and his Creator like Salat and Sawm Allah determines whether they are forgiven or not.

The second register of deeds is especially important for us to consider because there is no Divine pardon in cases where personal rights have been violated. Forgiveness can only come from the person concerned - either directly or when Allah makes it possible for that person to grant a pardon. The Prophet Muhammad said in this regard:

Whoever is guilty of doing some wrong against a fellow human being, whether in regard to his honour or anything else, he should obtain his forgiveness before the Day of judgment, when there will be no money to pay for it. If he has any good deeds to his credit, they will be taken away from him to the extent of his wrongdoing. And if he has no good deeds, the sins of the wronged-one will be taken and put on him. (Bukhari.)

"In The Early Hours" - Khurram Murad
Seeking Forgiveness
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