Wives of Jannah
Amazing reminder for all mothers out there (but even if you don't
have kids, many of these apply!) with lots of encouragement for Ramadan
from my dear sister Hosai Mojaddidi's personal page.
Read on...
Please don't let the faint whispers of shaitan bring you down this Ramadan.
1. We may not make it to every Taraweh prayer (or even one) but God hears our prayers no matter what room we pray in, how many people we're standing among, and who is reciting the Qur'an.
2. We may not fast all 30 days (or even one) but He is the one who has given us the excuse in the first place. He knows our bodies make demands of us that are difficult and taxing, which is why He is pleased with us even when we eat and drink while others do not; indeed He wishes for us ease, not difficulty.
3. We may not be able to make it to all the iftaars and wonderful masjid gatherings to see our friends and share in the festivities but when we establish circles of remembrance, no matter the size, He assembles angels around us. So every time you hold the hand of your infant or child as you nurse him/her or rock them back to sleep from a nightmare, remember God often and make the niyyah that together with their hand in yours, you form a circle of dhikr. Imagine the angels surrounding you in layers and layers reaching the heavens, and look forward to being a part of that awesome gathering of light and beauty every night!
"...There are roaming angels of Allah who go about looking for the circles of dhikr, and when they find them they surround them closely, encompassing them in layers until the first heaven." (Bukhari)
4. We may not be in attendance for the fundraising dinners at night or community relief efforts during the day, but for simply making the intention or having the desire to be there He rewards us nonetheless. And as much as we may yearn to socialize and see our loved ones, we must also remember that by not socializing as much this month we are protecting ourselves from the possibility of falling into blameworthy behaviors or having negative thoughts. We may complain internally about things or people, or show impatience or anger over something. Isn't it better to be spared the tricks of our own ego than to take a chance and lose even one good deed this month?
5.) We may not be able to decorate our homes with fancy banners and lights or make special treats and meals, but we can most definitely decorate every inch of our home with the recitation of the Qur'an and beautify it with the constant praise and remembrance of God. Let us feed our souls and those of anyone we meet with beautiful words and kind actions. Let us make duah for people, let us send gifts to one another to soften the hearts, let us perfect our adab with others and bring them light so they reflect it back to us.
May Allah (swt) reward all of you for every noble intention you make and for every virtuous deed you complete. May He increase the barakah in your time and may He show you the fruits of your labor through the health, happiness, and comfort of your loved ones. May your heart feel fulfilled and nearer to Him than you ever have before. And may you have a MOST blessed and beautiful Ramadan. Ameen.
Here is another beautiful reminder that every mother must read throughout Ramadan...
“When she has her first baby, she must manage for another life even more dependent on her personal sacrifices. By the second, third, or fourth child, her days and nights belong almost entirely to others. Whether she has a spiritual path or not, such a mother can seldom resist a glance at the past, when there were more prayers, more meanings, more spiritual company, and more serenity. When Allah opens her understanding, she will see that she is engaged in one of the highest forms of worship, that of producing new believers who love and worship Allah. She is effectively worshipping Allah for as many lifetimes she has children, for the reward of every spiritual work her children do will be hers, without this diminishing anything of their own rewards: every ablution, every prayer, every Ramadan, every hajj, and even the works her children will in turn pass on to their offspring, and, so on till the end of time. Even if her children do not turn out as she wishes, she shall be requited in paradise forever according to her intention in raising them, which was that they should be godly.
Aside from the tremendous reward, within the path itself it is noticeable that many of those who benefit most from khalwa or ‘solitary retreat of dhikr’ are women who have raised children. With only a little daily dhikr and worship over the years, but much toil and sacrifice for others, they surpass many a younger person who has had more free time, effort, and ‘spiritual works.’ What they find is greater because their state with Allah is greater; namely, the awe, hope, and love of the Divine they have realized by years of sincerity to Him.” Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller
Read on...
Please don't let the faint whispers of shaitan bring you down this Ramadan.
1. We may not make it to every Taraweh prayer (or even one) but God hears our prayers no matter what room we pray in, how many people we're standing among, and who is reciting the Qur'an.
2. We may not fast all 30 days (or even one) but He is the one who has given us the excuse in the first place. He knows our bodies make demands of us that are difficult and taxing, which is why He is pleased with us even when we eat and drink while others do not; indeed He wishes for us ease, not difficulty.
3. We may not be able to make it to all the iftaars and wonderful masjid gatherings to see our friends and share in the festivities but when we establish circles of remembrance, no matter the size, He assembles angels around us. So every time you hold the hand of your infant or child as you nurse him/her or rock them back to sleep from a nightmare, remember God often and make the niyyah that together with their hand in yours, you form a circle of dhikr. Imagine the angels surrounding you in layers and layers reaching the heavens, and look forward to being a part of that awesome gathering of light and beauty every night!
"...There are roaming angels of Allah who go about looking for the circles of dhikr, and when they find them they surround them closely, encompassing them in layers until the first heaven." (Bukhari)
4. We may not be in attendance for the fundraising dinners at night or community relief efforts during the day, but for simply making the intention or having the desire to be there He rewards us nonetheless. And as much as we may yearn to socialize and see our loved ones, we must also remember that by not socializing as much this month we are protecting ourselves from the possibility of falling into blameworthy behaviors or having negative thoughts. We may complain internally about things or people, or show impatience or anger over something. Isn't it better to be spared the tricks of our own ego than to take a chance and lose even one good deed this month?
5.) We may not be able to decorate our homes with fancy banners and lights or make special treats and meals, but we can most definitely decorate every inch of our home with the recitation of the Qur'an and beautify it with the constant praise and remembrance of God. Let us feed our souls and those of anyone we meet with beautiful words and kind actions. Let us make duah for people, let us send gifts to one another to soften the hearts, let us perfect our adab with others and bring them light so they reflect it back to us.
May Allah (swt) reward all of you for every noble intention you make and for every virtuous deed you complete. May He increase the barakah in your time and may He show you the fruits of your labor through the health, happiness, and comfort of your loved ones. May your heart feel fulfilled and nearer to Him than you ever have before. And may you have a MOST blessed and beautiful Ramadan. Ameen.
Here is another beautiful reminder that every mother must read throughout Ramadan...
“When she has her first baby, she must manage for another life even more dependent on her personal sacrifices. By the second, third, or fourth child, her days and nights belong almost entirely to others. Whether she has a spiritual path or not, such a mother can seldom resist a glance at the past, when there were more prayers, more meanings, more spiritual company, and more serenity. When Allah opens her understanding, she will see that she is engaged in one of the highest forms of worship, that of producing new believers who love and worship Allah. She is effectively worshipping Allah for as many lifetimes she has children, for the reward of every spiritual work her children do will be hers, without this diminishing anything of their own rewards: every ablution, every prayer, every Ramadan, every hajj, and even the works her children will in turn pass on to their offspring, and, so on till the end of time. Even if her children do not turn out as she wishes, she shall be requited in paradise forever according to her intention in raising them, which was that they should be godly.
Aside from the tremendous reward, within the path itself it is noticeable that many of those who benefit most from khalwa or ‘solitary retreat of dhikr’ are women who have raised children. With only a little daily dhikr and worship over the years, but much toil and sacrifice for others, they surpass many a younger person who has had more free time, effort, and ‘spiritual works.’ What they find is greater because their state with Allah is greater; namely, the awe, hope, and love of the Divine they have realized by years of sincerity to Him.” Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller
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