
Showing posts from October, 2006

Rasulullah (sal) Gravepictures

Click Here to View Pictures of Rasulullah (sal) Grave

Niyahs for Ghusul Bath and Duas for various occassions.

Dua before having sexual intercourse with your spouse. Bismillahi Allahumma Jan'nibnaash shaitaana wa'jan'nibiish'shaitaana maa'razakthanaa. In the name of Allah. Protect us from Shaitaan and from his bad intentions. Dua after having sexual intercourse with your spouse. Allahumma Laa'thajhal Lishaitaani feeymaa razakthaniy naseeybaa Oh Allah! Do not make my part of benefit also has a part of Shaitan. Niyyah for Ghusl Bath after having sexual intercourse. Navaithu an'ahthasila huslan minal'janaabathi wathahaarathan lil'badni waa'sthibaahathan lis'salaathi ashhadu'anlaahilaaha il'lal'lahu wa'ashadu an'na'muhammadar'rasoolul'lahi. Niyyah for Ghusl Bath after your monthly mensuration Navaithu an'ahthasila huslan minal'haiyley wathahaarathan lil'badni waa'sthibaahathan lis'salaathi ashhadu'anlaahilaaha il'lal'lahu wa'ashadu an'na'muhammadar...

18 ANSWERS OF THE HOLY PROPHET [Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam]

Dialogue between a traveler and the prophet (saw) A traveler once came to the mosque to see the prophet. After greeting the prophet he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet. Traveler : I do not want azaab to be written in my account .. Prophet : behave well with your parents Traveler : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person . Prophet : fear Allah always . Traveler : I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites. Prophet : recite quran every morning and evening. Traveler : I want my heart to always be enlightened. ( roshan and munawer) Prophet : never forget death Traveler : I never want to be away from Allah's blessing. Prophet : always treat fellow creatures well. Traveler : I never want to be harmed by my enemies. Prophet : always have faith in only Allah. Traveler : I never want to be humiliate...

Allah takes Ur Soul When U sleep

Assalamualikum waramatulai wabarakatu Would you like to know what happens when you sleep?? Allah says in the Quran: It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back (from returning to life),but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed.Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect. Quran, Chapter 39 verse 42 This means: every time you sleep, Allah takes your souls,amongst many other souls he takes during sleeping. Then Allah decides who is going to be given another chance. For those who are blessed with another chance, Allah will permit their souls to go back to their bodies, the rest he keeps back from returning to life i.e.they die. This means: each time you go to bed you should never be sure you will get up again, you ONLY have 50% chance for coming back to life. This means: each time you go to bed you should be prepared for your hereafter. This mea...

Duas for Faith

اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلنِىْ مِمَّنْ تَوَكَّلَ عَلَيْكَ فَكَفَيْتَهُ وَ اسْتَهْدكَ فَهَدَيْتَهُ وَ اسْتَنْصَرَكَ فَنَصَرْتَهُ Allahummaj 'alni miman tawwakala 'alaika, fakafait-tahu wastahdaka fahadaittahu wastansaraka fanasaratahu (O Allah! Let us be among those who had complete trust in Thee; so You sufficed them; and they sought guidance from Thee; so You directed them to the right Path; and they asked help of Thee; so You assisted them.) اللَّهُمَ اجْعَلْ وَسَاوِسَ قَلْبِىْ خَشْيَتَكَ وَ ذِكُرَكَ وَ اجْعَلْ هَمّىْ وَ هَو' ىَ فِيْمَا تُحِبَّ وَ تَرْضى Allahummaj'al wasāwisa qalbi khashyatika wa dhikrika waj'alhammi wa hawāyā fima tuhibbu wa tarda. (O Allah! Render the thoughts and inclinations within my heart, to be Your fear and remembrance, and let my endeavour and desire be devoted to what You love and appreciate.) رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْرًا وَتَوَفَّنَا مُسْلِمِينَ Rabbana 'afrigh 'alaiyna sabran-wa ta-waffana muslimeen (Our Rabb! pour upon us perse...

Istigfar for women who are undergoing their Haiz (monthly periods)

The istigfar given below is especially dedicated to women who are undergoing their Haiz(monthly periods). One should sit in attayat position if possible with wodhu and face Kiblah and recite the following zikr 70 times after each salaah( 5 times a day). "Subhanaka Astaghfirullah illahi Laaillaha illa huwal hayool kaiyoom wa'athubu ilaikh" This is a wonderful blessing from Almighty Allah that shows His mercy even during the time when a woman is unable to do her farls like salah and quran recitation, therefore we kindly request all women to make it a habit to gain the rewards mentioned below: Reward of performing 1000 nafl rakaths. 70 sins will be forgiven. For every letter in the istigfar you get a noor (brightness) on your face. Your status is raised in the sight of Allah. For every vein in your body you get the reward of one Hajj and Umrah.

ZAM-ZAM Water, research by Tariq Hussain.

>>We came here again to perform the Omrah, and I am reminded of the >>wonders of Zum-zum. Let me go back to how it all started. >> >>In 1971, an Egyptian doctor wrote to the European Press, a letter >>saying that Zum-zum water was not fit for drinking purposes. >> >>I immediately thought that this was just a form of prejudice >>against the Muslims and that since his statement was based on >>the assumption that since the Ka'aba was a shallow place (below >>sea level) and located in the center of the city of Makkah, the >>wastewater of the city collecting through the drains fell into well >>holding the water. >> >>Fortunately, the news came to King Faisal's ears who got extremely >>angry and decided to disprove the Egyptian doctor's provocative >>statement. >> >>He immediately ordered the Ministry of Agriculture and Water >>Resources to investigate and send sample...

Duas before,after and while studying, Dua for Anxiety.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. DUA BEFORE STUDYING. Allahumma infa’ni bimaa ‘allamtani wallimni maa yanfa’unni. Oh Allah! Make useful to me what You taught me & teach me knowledge that will be useful to me. Allahumma inni as’aluka fahmal-nabiyeen wa hifthal mursaleen al muqarabeen. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the Prophets & the memory of the Messengers, & those nearest to You. Allahumma ijal leesenee’amiran bi thikrika wa qalbi bi khasyathika. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of Your remembrance & my heart with consciousness of You. Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha-u’qadeer wa hasbun-allahu wa na’mal wakeel. (Oh Allah!) You do whatever You wish & You are my Availer & best of aid. Protector & the best of aid. DUA AFTER STUDYING. Allahumma inni astaodeeuka ma qara’tu waroa hafaz-yu. Faradduhu ‘allaya inda hagati clayhi. Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha-u’qadeer waantahasheeya wa na’mal wakeel. Oh Allah! I entrust ...

Hadith of the Day

Rasulullah (Sal) said," On the Day of Judgement, Almighty Allah will select a man from my Ummat and will call him in the presence of all mankind, and then 99 registers of his misdeeds, each register as long as one can see, will be opened before him. He will then be asked if he denies anything recorded in his account of deeds , or whether the angels who were appointed to record his deeds had been unjust to him in any respect. He will reply in the negative (i.e. he will neither deny anything nor blame the angels for any injustice to him). Then Allah will ask him if he can justify his misdeeds, but he will submit that he has no excuse to offer. Then Allah will say, "Well, there is indeed one virtue to your credit. Today no injustice will be done to you.' Then a small piece of paper with the kalimah written on it will be handed over to him, and he will be asked to go and get it weighed . He will submit that this small piece of paper will be of little avail as against so many...

Guidance for the Muslim Wife. Part 1

Rasullallah Sallaaahu Alaihi Wasalllam was extremely merciful upon the ummah. He said "You all are about to fall into the fire and I'm holding your backs and preventing you from falling into it". Rasulullah(Sal) favour upon the ummath was that he showed men and women the way to lead their lives. Here are a few Ahadith advising women. Nabi(Sal) said that the woman who performed her five daily prayers and kept her fast of Ramadan and protected gerself from evil acts i.e. adultery and obeyed her husband, has a choice to enter heaven from whiever door she pleases. Nabi(Sal) said: "A woman has 2 veils: the first is the husband and the secomd is the grave. The one that conceals more is the grave." Nabi Kareem(Sal) said " A religious widow is addressed as a martyr in the heavens" i.e she is remembered with the honourable title of a martyr in heaven for any act she performs. Ibn Abbas(Rali) narrates that a woman came to Rasulullah(Sal) and said:" I have c...

Should fasting the six days of Shawwaal be done immediately after the day of'eed?

Question: Is the fasting of the six days (of Shawwaal) a must after the month of Ramadhaan immediately after the day of 'eed, or is it permissible(to do so) after 'eed by (a number of) days in the month of Shawwaal or not? Response: It is not a must for him to fast immediately after 'eed al-fitr, rather it is permissible to begin fasting after 'eed by a day or (a numberof) days. And (also) to fast them continuously or intermittently in themonth of Shawwaal according to that which is easy for him. And the issue is quite open in this matter, and it is not obligatory, rather it is a sunnah. And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers andsalutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions. The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ib...

The significance of EID.

Eid means recurring happiness or festivity. Its Eid-ul-Fitr on 24th October. Eid is a wholesome celebration of a remarkable achievement of the individual muslim in the service of God. Eid is Thanks Giving Day where muslims assemble in a brotherly and joyful atmosphere to offer their gartitude to Allah for helping them to fulfill their spiritual obligations prior to EID. Eid is a Day of Remembrance. Eid is a day of Victory. Eid is a Harvest Day. Eid is a Day of Forgiveness. Eid is a Day of Peace.