Guidance for the Muslim Wife. Part 1

Rasullallah Sallaaahu Alaihi Wasalllam was extremely merciful upon the ummah. He said "You all are about to fall into the fire and I'm holding your backs and preventing you from falling into it". Rasulullah(Sal) favour upon the ummath was that he showed men and women the way to lead their lives. Here are a few Ahadith advising women.

Nabi(Sal) said that the woman who performed her five daily prayers and kept her fast of Ramadan and protected gerself from evil acts i.e. adultery and obeyed her husband, has a choice to enter heaven from whiever door she pleases.

Nabi(Sal) said: "A woman has 2 veils: the first is the husband and the secomd is the grave. The one that conceals more is the grave."

Nabi Kareem(Sal) said " A religious widow is addressed as a martyr in the heavens" i.e she is remembered with the honourable title of a martyr in heaven for any act she performs.

Ibn Abbas(Rali) narrates that a woman came to Rasulullah(Sal) and said:" I have come as a representative of all women. We want to present a petiton to you. Jihad is fardh(compulsory) on men and only they obtain the reward of matyrdom. We woman are deprived of it although we take responsiblity for all their domestic affairs". Rasulullah(Sal) said:"Convey this message on my behalf to all women that they can achieve the reward of jihad by obeying their husbands, but few women consider this to be a reward."


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