Hazrath Asma bint Yazid Ansari(rali) came to the Prophet(sal) and said "O, Prophet of Allah! you are dearer to me than my parents, my muslim women have deputed me as their representative to talk to you on their behalf. Verily you are the Prophet of Allah for both men and women, we remain pinned to our duties of fulfilling the sexual desires of men, bearing children and looking after their homes not withstanding all this, men excel us in getting rewards for things, which we are unable to do. They go and say their salaat and weekly jumu'ah in the masjid, visit the sick, attend funerals, perform hajj after hajj and above all fight in the way of Allah. When they go for hajj or jihad, we look after their property, bring up their children and weave clothes for them. Do we not share their rewards with them?" The Prophet(sal) addressing the shahabah sitting around him said:" Did you ever hear a woman asking a better question?" Shahabah replied:" O Prophet of Allah!...