
Showing posts from November, 2006

Splitting of the Moon - Do scientists believe it was Allah's Miracle?

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Marriage Etiquette

Marriage is a gift, a special bond between man and woman, husband and wife. Much has been written about how we should behave towards a spouse after marriage, but no texts are more appropriate than the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. With this article, we have attempted to bring together information on marriage etiquette from a variety of sources, which we hope will guide and inspire you in this most wonderful relationship. A spouse has been described as "a partner, companion and best friend". The closeness between spouses is unlike any other relationship. The following verse from the Qur'an sums it up perfectly: "They are your garments and you are their garments" (Surah Al Baqarah 2:187). This illustrates how "spouses provide one another with the protection, the comfort, the cover, the support and the adornment that garments provide to humans".* The first few years of marriage are often the most challenging as this is the period when husband a...

The First Ten Days Of Zul_Hajj

Hazrat ibn Abbas(Rali) relates that Rasulullah(sal) said:"On no other days are good deeds (Amal Saleh) more liked by Allah than on these days-- meanings the first ten days of Zil Hijjah." The Sahabas asked, "O Rasulullah, not even Jihaad in the way of Allah" Rasulullah replied, " Not even Jihaad in the way of Allah, except for that person who goes out to fight with his life and wealth and does not return with anything." Bukhari. Rasulullah(sal) said, "On no days is the worship of Allah desired more than in the first 10 days of Zil Hijjah. The fast of each of these days is equal to the fast of a whole year, and the Ibaadat of each of these nights is equal to the Ibaadat of Laylathul Qadr." Tirmizi and Ibn Maajah. It is related from Ibn Abbas(Rali) that Rasulullah(sal) said, "No days are as weighty with Allah and so liked by him for good deeds than the first 10 days of Zil Hijjah. So in these days increasingly read TASBEETH (Subhanaalah), TAHL...

[ Concerning the Children ] If two children are led in prayer, where should they be placed?

Assalamu Alaikum If two children are led in prayer, where should they be placed? Question : A man led two children or more, who had not yet reached the age of puberty in the prayer. Where should the children stand? Behind him or to his right? Answer : The Sunnah regarding children who have reached the age of seven is that they stand behind the Imaam like adults. If there is one child he stands on the right of the Imaam because it has been affirmed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed in the house of Abu Talha radiallahu anhu , he placed Anas and the orphan behind him and Umm Saleem behind them. It has also been affirmed in another narration that he sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed with Anas and placed him on his right. Also he prayed with Ibn Abbas and likewise placed him on his right. The Permanent Commitee Fataawaa Islaamiyyah 1/353 السلام عليكن و رحمة الله و بركات __,_._,___

7 Reasons to Read the Glorious Qur'an

1. Inimitable It dares you to disprove it. How? It says that humans cannot write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and got help also from the spirits. The Qur'an said this fourteen hundred years ago and yet no one has been able to disprove it.. Billions of books have been written, but not another one like the Qur'an. 2. Incorruptible It is the only religious sacred writing that has been in circulation for such a long time and yet remains as pure as it was in the beginning. The Qur'an was kept intact. Nothing was added to it, nothing was changed in it, and nothing was taken away from it ever since its revelation was completed 1400 hundred years ago. 3. Unsurpassable The Qur'an is God's final revelation to humankind. God revealed the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Gospel to Jesus, and finally the Qur'an to Muhammad. Peace be upon Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. No other book will come from God to surpass His final revel...

Surah Al- Hadeedh(57):- Iron

According to Ibn Abbas (rali) Ismul aulam is found in the first six Ayaths of this Surah. To have iman strengthened; to remedy the worries of constant disease; to constant kidney disease; to be blesses of Jennath one should recite Surah Ar- Rahuman, Al-Waqiah and Al- Hadeedh. Listen to Surah Al-Hadeedh. View this Podcast at View this Podcast at

Surah Waqiah(56):- the event

Ibn Masood (Rali) reports that Rasool(sal) said: " Whoever reads surah waaqiah every night, starvation shall never afflict him". The virtues of this surah is reported in many ahadith. It is said to the effect that whoever reads surah Al-Hadeed, Al- waqiah and Ar- Rahuman is reckoned amongs the dwellers of Jennat-ul-firdhous(highest level in Paradise) . Another a hadith it is said Surah Al-Waqiah is Surah Al-Ghinaa, read it and teach it to your children. It is also said " teach it to your wives". Hadhrat Aisha(Rali) is reported to have emphasized its reading but it is low mentality on our part to read it on;y for sake of petty worldly gain. If instead it is read for the contentment of the heart and for the sake of the next world, then worldly gains will come to us without asking. Listen to Surah Al-Waqiah with English Translation. View this Podcast at

Reward for Women.

Hazrath Asma bint Yazid Ansari(rali) came to the Prophet(sal) and said "O, Prophet of Allah! you are dearer to me than my parents, my muslim women have deputed me as their representative to talk to you on their behalf. Verily you are the Prophet of Allah for both men and women, we remain pinned to our duties of fulfilling the sexual desires of men, bearing children and looking after their homes not withstanding all this, men excel us in getting rewards for things, which we are unable to do. They go and say their salaat and weekly jumu'ah in the masjid, visit the sick, attend funerals, perform hajj after hajj and above all fight in the way of Allah. When they go for hajj or jihad, we look after their property, bring up their children and weave clothes for them. Do we not share their rewards with them?" The Prophet(sal) addressing the shahabah sitting around him said:" Did you ever hear a woman asking a better question?" Shahabah replied:" O Prophet of Allah!...

Guidance to Muslim Wife- Part 2

It is reported from Hazrath Ibn Umar(Rali) that Rasulullah (Sal) said that when a woman leaves her home without her husband's consent then all the angels of the skies and the entire universe curse her for this act until she returns home. Rasool(Sal) said that the fragrance of heaven will be forbidden for a woman who asks her husband for divorce without any valid reason. Rasool(Sal) said that if a woman died and her husband was pleased with her during her life, undoubtedly she has entered heaven. Rasool(Sal) said:" O woman, your heaven and hell is your husband"(i.e. a woman will enter heaven if the husband is pleased, and hell if he is displeased with her ). Rasool(Sal) said that the best wo man is the one that pleases her husband. When he looks at her, she pleases him. When he commands her, she obeys him. When he absents himself( goes on a journey etc.) she protects his wealth and honour. The Messenger of Allah(Sal) said that shaitaan sits on his throne daily and dispat...

Surah Kahf(18) :- The Cave.

When a person is in debt, it is praise worthy to recite this surah 3 times on every Friday, to get rid of the burden of debt. If one reads it before or after Jummah Salat, the recitation of this surah will attain for the forgiveness of ones sins for the past week. Benefits of Reading Surah Kahaf on Fridays - Firstly it doesn't have to be the entire surah, it could be the first or the last ten verse - A light is established between a person and butul mamur - A light is established between a person that will carry until next friday - A light is established between a person and the 7th heavens - many hadith in regards to Noor- light that is established - Protects the person from the fitnahs of this world - If Dajjal appears, Allah Subhana wata'ala shall protect you from his fitnah - Prophet  SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM  advised his ummah, that when you meet Dajjal read the opening verses of Surah Kahaf

Invocation recited during Prostration

Its is a good practice to prostrate at the 15 Sajdahs while reciting the Quran. The following invocation is usually recited during the prostration: Sajada wajhiya lilladhi khalaqahu wa sawwarahu , wa shaqqa sam'ahu wa basarahu, tabarak-Allahu Ahsan-ul-Khaliqueen. (Sahih Muslim, Vol.4, Hadith No.201)

Salawath for Rain.

Recite this salawath during raining Allahumma sal'li wa'sal'lim alaa say'yidhinaa wa'mavlaanaa muhammadin wa'alaa aalihi say'yidhinaa muhammadin'm bihadadhi katharaa'thil' amthaari. Recite this Dua asking Allah for Rain. Allahumma Akhisnaa. Recite this Dua if there's excessive Rain. Allahumma hawaa laynaa walaa alaiynaa Allahumma alal akaami wal'aajaami wal'liraabi wal'audhiyathi wamanaa bathish ' shajari.


Virtues of Kalimah This Holy Kalimah is the first gateway to the Divine Religion and surest way to keep our Faith refreshed. It has numerous virtues and benefits. We must remain very particular about it and go on reciting it as much as possible. It refreshes and revitalizes our Imaan, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Keep on refreshing your Faith by reciting Kalimah frequently." Meaning and Implication: . The Holy Kalimah consists of two parts: 1st Part LA ILAHA IL LAL LAHU None but Allah is worthy of worship Allah says in Holy Quran: Allah! There is no god except Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. To Him belongeth whatsoever is in the Heavens and whatsoever is in the Earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him except by His leave? He Knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He will. His throne includeth the Heavens and the Earth, a...


THE TEARS OF RASULULLAH SAW... >Suddenly, there was a person said sala am. >"May I come in?" he asked >But Fatimah did not allow him enter the room. >"I'm sorry, my father is ill," said Fatimah turned her >body back >and >closed the door >She went back to her father who had opened his eyes and >asked >Fatimah >"Who was he, my daughter?" >"I don't know, my father. It was the first time for me to >see >him," >Fatimah said gently. >Then, Rasulullah looked at his daughter with trembled >look, as if >he >wanted to reminisce about every part of her daughter's >face. >"Know one thing! He is who erases the temporary pleasure; >he is >who >separates the companionship in the world. He is the death >angel," >said >Rasulullah. >Fatimah bore the bomb of her cry. The death angel came >toward >him, >but >Rasulullah asked why Jibril did not come ...