Guidance to Muslim Wife- Part 2

It is reported from Hazrath Ibn Umar(Rali) that Rasulullah (Sal) said that when a woman leaves her home without her husband's consent then all the angels of the skies and the entire universe curse her for this act until she returns home.

Rasool(Sal) said that the fragrance of heaven will be forbidden for a woman who asks her husband for divorce without any valid reason.

Rasool(Sal) said that if a woman died and her husband was pleased with her during her life, undoubtedly she has entered heaven.

Rasool(Sal) said:" O woman, your heaven and hell is your husband"(i.e. a woman will enter heaven if the husband is pleased, and hell if he is displeased with her).

Rasool(Sal) said that the best woman is the one that pleases her husband. When he looks at her, she pleases him. When he commands her, she obeys him. When he absents himself( goes on a journey etc.) she protects his wealth and honour.

The Messenger of Allah(Sal) said that shaitaan sits on his throne daily and dispatches his agents to work among human beings. One of the agents returns and says that I made a certain person commit a sin, another says I got so and so involved in his offence. Upon listening to this shaitaan says that you have done nothing great. Eventually one repesentative comes and says that I saw a husband and wife extemely devoted to each other. I sowed the seeds of enmity between them. On hearing this shaitaan becomes happy embracing his agent says that you have achieved something great.

The love between husband and wife is biggest blow to shaitaan. From this it is apperent how meritous this love is.


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