[ Concerning the Children ] If two children are led in prayer, where should they be placed?
Assalamu Alaikum
Question : A man led two children or more, who had not yet reached the age of puberty in the prayer. Where should the children stand? Behind him or to his right?
Answer : The Sunnah regarding children who have reached the age of seven is that they stand behind the Imaam like adults. If there is one child he stands on the right of the Imaam because it has been affirmed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed in the house of Abu Talha radiallahu anhu , he placed Anas and the orphan behind him and Umm Saleem behind them. It has also been affirmed in another narration that he sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed with Anas and placed him on his right. Also he prayed with Ibn Abbas and likewise placed him on his right.
The Permanent Commitee
Fataawaa Islaamiyyah 1/353
السلام عليكن و رحمة الله و بركات

If two children are led in prayer, where should they be placed?
Question : A man led two children or more, who had not yet reached the age of puberty in the prayer. Where should the children stand? Behind him or to his right?
Answer : The Sunnah regarding children who have reached the age of seven is that they stand behind the Imaam like adults. If there is one child he stands on the right of the Imaam because it has been affirmed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed in the house of Abu Talha radiallahu anhu , he placed Anas and the orphan behind him and Umm Saleem behind them. It has also been affirmed in another narration that he sallallahu alayhe was salaam prayed with Anas and placed him on his right. Also he prayed with Ibn Abbas and likewise placed him on his right.
The Permanent Commitee
Fataawaa Islaamiyyah 1/353
السلام عليكن و رحمة الله و بركات

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