Best 3 hours in Ramadan
The first Hour:
The first hour of the day-After Salat Al-fajr
Imama Nawawi -may Allah has mercy on him- said in his book of remembrance: "Know that the most honorable times for remembrance in the day is after Fajr prayer"
Termithi reported on the authority of Anas (RAA) on the Prophet (PBUH) that he said: "Who ever prayed Fajr in congregation & sit remembering Allah until the sun rises then he prays 2 rakat, he will get the reward of hajj & Omra complete, complete, complete"
Narrated by Termithi and said it is a sound hadith. The Prophet (PBUH) when he prayed Fajr, he would sit in his place until the sunrises. Scholars encouraged us to seek this hour and to spend it in the remembrance of Allah until the sun rises. Another Hadith "O, Allah bless my nation with the early hours of the day" That is why it is disliked to sleep after morning prayer because it is an hour where Allah distribute his bounties (rizk), so we should spend this time in Dua and remembrance especially when we are in the month of Ramadan where the reward gets multiplied.
The Second Hour:
The last hour of the day before sunset
This is a valuable hour that many fasting believers miss due being busy in preparing for breaking the fast and getting ready for it. This is not desired for those who are keen on getting the rewards of these valuable and dearly minutes...
This hour is the best of times to make supplication and ask Allah-It is one of times when Allah accepts you call.
It is narrated in the Hadith : "Three are accepted by Allah: The supplication of the fasting person, the supplication of the oppressed, and the supplication of the traveler"
Narrated by Termithi. The early Muslims used to glorify the last hour of the day more than the first because it is the end of the day and the righteous is the one whom Allah guides him to benefit from this time in supplication
The Third Hour:
The hour before dawn (Sahar)
Sahar is the time before dawn...
Allah says in the Quran "And those seeking forgiveness at Sahar". You are encouraged my fasting brother to seek this valuable time in making supplication and asking for forgiveness until Fajr, especially in Ramadan, let us use this time to strengthen our relation to Allah...
Allah is encouraging us to spend this time in supplication and remembrance: Allah says in the Quran: "And glorify your lord before the sun rises, before it sets, in the middle of the night and at the start and end of the day so you may be pleased" "And glorify your lord before the sun rises and before it sets and at night and after Sujud"

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