The Ranking of a Person who Repents


Bakr ibn Abdullah al-Muzani is the narrator of this story:There was once a
butcher who fell in love with the daughter of his neighbours. One day, the
girl's parents sent her on an errand to the neighbouring town. Seeing that
she was alone, the butcher followed her until she reached a secluded place,
where he made his presence known to her.

When he tried to seduce her, the girl said, "Do not do so! Indeed, I love
you even more than you love me, but I fear Allah."The butcher's jaw dropped
and he said in self-reproach, "You fear Allah and I don't!" He left her
alone and repented for his intentions.

On his way back, he became extremely thirsty. He soon came across a Prophet
from the Prophets of the Children of Israel. Noticing the expression on the
butcher's face, the Prophet asked, "What is the matter with you?""Extreme
thirst," said the butcher."Let us go supplicate to Allah for rain.""I have
no good deed that makes my supplication worthy of being answered," said the
butcher."Then let me invoke Allah while you say 'Ameen' to my invocations,"
said the Prophet.

He then began to supplicate, and the butcher said, 'Ameen,' after each of
the supplications. Suddenly, a cloud appeared, rain fell from it into the
nearby town, after which it approached the two men. Wherever the butcher
walked, the cloud followed after him, instead of hovering over the
Prophet."You claim that you have no good deeds," said the Prophet. "Yet
despite the fact that it was I who supplicated while you said 'ameen' the
cloud shaded the city and then it followed you. What is your story?"

The butcher then told him what happened with his neighbour's daughter."One
who repents to Allah has a ranking that no other person can achieve," said
the Prophet.


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