Benefits Of Fearing Allah For The Hereafter


Sheik Muhammad Saalih Al-Uthmaymeen

1.Indeed it causes a believer to become noble in the sight of Allah.

2.It causes a believer to become successful.

3.Indeed it causes a believer to be saved from the punishment of
Allah, the Most High, on the Day of Judgement.

4.Indeed it causes a believer's good deeds to be accepted.

5.It causes a believer to inherit Paradise.

6.Indeed, it causes a believer to have lofty rooms (in Paradise) one
Above the other.

7.Indeed it causes the believers to have a high status above he
Disbelievers on the Day of Judgement, and that they will dwell in the
Highest part of Paradise.

8.Indeed, it causes them to enter Paradise, and that is because
Paradise has been prepared for those, who have taqwa.

9.It causes remission of bad actions and forgiveness for the mistakes
A believer might commit.

10.Indeed it causes the believer to have what his heart desires, and
What is pleasing to his eyes.

11.Indeed, it causes the believer not to fear nor grieve, and neither
Shall any evil touch them on the Day of Judgement.

12.They will be gathered on the Day of Judgement, wafdan(like a
Delegate presented before a king of honour) and the meaning of
Wafdan, is that they will come towards Allah,the Most High,riding.
(Mashallah we all want to do this and have the opportunity)

13.Paradise will be bought,near to them, because they have taqwa.

14.Indeed, it causes the believer, not to be on the same level,as the
Fujjar(wicked,evil criminals)or the kuffar(disbelievers).

15.Every type of companionship or friendship, which was for other
Than Allah will be transformed on the Day of Judgement into
Enmity,except for the companionship of those who had taqwa.

16.They will be in a place of security, among gardens and fountains.

17.Indeed,they will have a seat of truth(i.e..Paradise),near(Malik al-
Muqtadir) the All-Able, the One who has absolute power,King,Allah the
Most high.

18.Taqwa is the cause for having different rivers in Paradise one of
Sweet water,the other being of milk,of which the taste,never changes,
And yet another being a river of wine,delicious to those who drink it.

19.Taqwa causes a believer to have the ability to travel under the
Shades of the trees of Paradise, and to have comfort from its shades.

20.For the muttaqun,on the Day of Judgement will be glad tidings;the
Greatest terror(on the Day of Judgement) will not grieve them, and
The angels will meet them.

21.Verily the muttaqoon, will have a better home in the Hereafter.

22.Verily the muttaqoon,will have their rewards, and their good
Actions multiplied,as Allah the Most High said,a"O you who believe!
Have Taqwa of Allah and believe in His Messenger, and He will bestow
Upon you a double portion of His Mercy and He will provide you with a
Light by which you will walk"Surah al-Hadid(57):28


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