Three Levels of Taqwa


Excerpts taken from Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah [rahimahullah]'s blessed book al-Fawaa'id.(1)

Taqwa has three levels:

1. Protecting your heart and limbs against sin and forbidden actions

2. Protecting them against undesirable matters

3. Protecting against curiosity and whatever that does not concern you

The first will grant life to you,

The second will grant you health and power,

And the third will grant you happiness and joy.

Ref. (1) Excerpts from Ibn Qayyim [rahimahullah]'s famous book al-Fawaa'id -
A Collection of Wise Sayings, p. 56)

(Source: Umm al-Qura for Translation, Publishing, and Distribution, rendered
Into English by Bayan Translation Services, 2004, slightly adapted for
Language flow purposes)




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