Ways Of Doing Good!!!




Narrated Abu Dharr Allah's Messenger said, "When you get up in the
morning, charity is due from every one of your joints.There is charity
in every ascription of glory to Allah;there is charity in every
declaration of His Greatness;there is charity in every utterance of
praise to Him; there is charity in every declaration that He is the
only God (worthy of worship) ; there is charity in enjoining good; there
is charity in forbidding evil.Two Rakah of Duha (forenoon prayer) is
equal to all this(in reward)."  Sahih Muslim

Commentary:There are three hundred and sixty joints in a human
body.It is these joints which enable him to work and make all kinds
of movements. If mans body did not have these joints it would be
impossible for him to sit,stand,lie,move and make use of different
organs of his body.Thus every joint is a blessing for which one must
express gratitud to Allah.Another blessing Allah has also told
man;even the poorest man in the world can implement.This blessing is
reciting Tasbih (Suhbanuallah), Tahmid(
Alhumdulillah), Takbir(Allahu-
Akbar),Tahlil (La ilaha illallah), and to preach virtue and forbid
wrong/unlawful etc.


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