A Disbeliever at the Time of Death

A Disbeliever at the Time of Death

Indeed the disbelieving (In another narration: wicked, immoral) servant, when he reaches the departure from this life and the arrival of the hereafter, angels [harsh and severe] come down from the sky to him, their faces dark. They will have with them sackcloth [from the fire.] They will sit as far away from the deceased as the eye can see, then the Angel of Death will come and sit beside his head and say, "Oh filthy soul, come out to displeasure and anger from Allah."

The prophet  continued:

The disbeliever's soul will then scatter, dispersing throughout his body, but the Angel of Death will rip it out violently similar to how a skewer [with many forks] is yanked through wet wool [ripping with it the veins and nerves].[Every angel between the heaven and earth and every angel in the heaven will curse the person. The gates of heaven will be closed and there will be no group of gatekeepers except that those angels will call upon Allah, asking that his soul does not ascend by way of them]. The Angel of Death will take the soul and when he has taken it, the other angels do not leave it in his had even for the blink of an eye before they put the soul into that sackcloth. There will emit from the soul a stench more disgusting, offensive than any decaying carcass found on the surface of the earth.

Allah's messenger  continued

The angels will ascend with the soul and will pass no group of angels except that they will ask, "What is this filthy soul?" The angels carrying the soul will answer, "He is So-and-So, the son of So-and-So," calling him the worst names he used to be called in life. The angels will continue rising with the soul until they come to the end of the sky of this world. They will seek permission for the next heaven to open for him (the soul) but he will be refused entry. Allah's messenger then recited: The gates of heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle. Then Allah   will say, "Write his book (of deeds) in Sijjīn, in the lowest earth." [It will then be said, "Return my servant to the earth, for surely I promised them that from it I created them, to it I will return them, and from it I will bring them out once again."] His soul will then be thrown [from the heaven] with a single toss [and fall into his body]. The prophet then recited: And whoever associates with Allah partners in worship, it is as he had fallen from the sky and was snatched by the birds or the wind carried him down to some remote place. And so his soul will be returned to his body. He will then be able to hear the footsteps of his companions' shoes as they turn and walk away from him.]

He (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) continues:

There will come to him two angels [harsh in reprimanding who will chastise him and] make him sit

up. They both ask him, "Who is your lord?" [The person will reply, "Huh, huh, I don't know." The

angels further ask him, "What is your religion?" and he will again answer, "Huh, huh, I don't

know."] The angels will then ask him, "Then what do you say about this man that was sent to you?"

He will not be guided to remember his name. It will be said, "Muhammad!" Then the person will

say, "Huh, huh, I don't know." ["I did hear the people saying that!" He will then be told, "You did

not know] [and you did not read."] A caller will then call out from the heaven, saying, "He lied. So

give him furnishing from the fire (of Hell) and open a door for him to the fire." Its heat and

scorching wind will then come to him, and his grave will close in on him, tightening around him

until his ribs are pressed together.

Allah's messenger ( ¼ò·􀁩Æ ÄÉ·¢ 􀀄􀀽 Îò·􀁱 ) continued:

There will come to him (In another narration: there will be portrayed to him the form of) a man with a hideous face, ugly clothing, and a horrible stench. This man will say to the person, "Rejoice at that which will sadden you; this is your day which you were promised." So the person will say to this man, "[And you, may Allah give you evil.] Who are you? Your face is the face that brings evil!" The man will reply, "I am your filthy deed. [For I swear by Allah, I only knew you to be hesitant to obey Allah, quick to disobey Allah.] So may Allah reward you with evil." A blind, deaf, mute man will then be sent to him carrying a huge hammer in his hand; if a mountain were hit with it, it would become dust. The man will then hit the disbeliever once and the person will turn to dust. Allah will then return him to his former state, and the man will hit him again. The person will scream so loud that everything will hear it except the humans and Jinn. A door will then be opened for him to the fire and he will be furnished with furnishings of the fire.] He will then say, "My Lord, do not establish the last hour."

Title: The Believer and Disbeliever at the Time of Death
Original Title: >â􀁢􀁅Æ 􀁨Ñ>¿􀂂􀀽 ½>³􀁕􀀿
Original Author: Muḥammad Nāṣir ad-Dīn al-Albānī

 This ḥadīth is recorded by Abū Dāwūd (2/281), al-Ḥākim (1/37-40), aṭ-Ṭiyālisī (no. 753), and Aḥmad (4/287, 288, 295, and 296). The wording above is Aḥmad's narration and that of al-Ājurrī in "ash-Sharī'ah" (367-380).
The ḥadīth is also recorded by an-Nasāī (1/282) and Ibn Mājah (1/469-470) – the first part of it up until the statement, "as if birds were sitting undisturbed on our heads." The same chain of narration is also from Abū Dāwūd (2/70) and Aḥmad (4/297) in a shorter form.
al-Ḥākim said about this ḥadīth, "It is authentic according to the conditions of al-Bukhārī and Muslim," and adh-Dhahabī agreed. And (al-Albānī says) it is exactly as they both say. Ibn al-Qayyim also says it is authentic in "I'lām al-Muwaqqi'īn" (1/214) and in "Tahdhīb as-Sunan" (4/337), and he reported that Abū Nu'aym and others also said it is authentic.


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