Do ONE Hajj Every night and sleep


Hajj Every night and sleep


Once the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam) said to Hazrat Ali (R A ): Ali! Do these five things before going to bed at night:



1.  Give 4000 Dinaars in Sadaqa and then sleep
2.  Read one complete Quran and then sleep
3.  Pay the price for Janna'h and then sleep
4.  Make two people happy with each other when they are upset and then sleep
5.  Do one hajj and then sleep

Hazrat Ali (RA) said, Ya Rasulallah  (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam) ! This looks impossible, how will I be able to do it?

Then the prophet  (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam)  replied:

4 times reading surah Fatiha is equals to four thousand Dinaars giving in Sadaqa.(Sub'han Allah)

3 times reading surah Ikhlas (Qul hu Allahu Ahad) is equals to one complete Quran.
(Sub'han Allah)

3 times reading any durood shareef (Shortest: Sallalaho Alaihi Wa Salam) is the price of jannat.
(Sub'han Allah)

10 times Astagfirullah (or any istighfar) is equals to making two unhappy people happy with each other.
(Sub'han Allah)

4 times third Kalima is equals to one hajj.
(Sub'han Allah)

After this Hazrat Ali (RA) said, Ya Rasulallah (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam)Now I will do all these before going to bed.

My dear brothers and sisters, it takes less then 5 mins for all the above zikr and look at the virtues for it.....

who would not want to have all these virtues to be in their book of good deeds?

To remind oneself of it, the easiest way is to write down on a piece of paper all the above zikr to be done b4 going to sleep and stick that piece of paper just next to UR bed....and of course Allah is the one to remind.

Pls do Dua that Allah guides us to the right path...

Please also remember in your prayers/duas to us and all ummat-ul-muslimeen.....

Jazak Allah Khair

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking  




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