Shawwal Fasts

For verily the Reminder benefits the Believers:-

Shawwal Fasts
Did you know...

While the Ramadhan month promises all manners of rewards in the hereafter due to its uniqueness, the month of Shawal (the Islamic month following Ramadan) also offers comparable pleasures if observed with faith and piety to Allah Almighty.

In the month of Shawal, the Muslim community will celebrate Eidul Fitr. This month is regarded as the month of victory for Muslims who have succeeded in completing their fast properly. The victory referred to is victory against temptations and in training the soul (spirit) as well as physical (body) to obey and always be conscious of the greatness of Allah Almighty.

Our souls celebrate Eid ul Fitr with joy for having completed the month-long fast. The day's celebration is even more joyous when accompanied by rituals extolling Allah's greatness through takbir, tahmid and tasbih throughout the night before Eid day, as well as in the morning of Eidul Fitr, before performing the Eid Prayer. Aside from the rituals of takbir, tahmid and tasbih, Muslims are also encouraged to fast for six days in the month of Shawal.
"Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadhan, and then fasts for six days in the month of Shawal, is akin to fasting indefinitely." (Recorded by Muslim)

This Hadith clarifies that one of the advantages of Shawal is the opportunity for those seeking the pleasure and blessing from Allah Almighty throughout their lives to perform the six day fast.

The reward given by Allah Almighty to those who fast for six days in Shawal is akin to that given to people who fast indefinitely. Such valuable reward is given by Allah Almighty to the people. This is fair reward considering the sincerity of Muslims who perform this act of worship, in view of the increase in temptations surrounding the festive days following the Eidul Fitr celebrations, which really tests a person's faith.

Keeping in mind the favours and rewards promised by Allah Almighty, it will be a great loss if we do not take the opportunity and make full use of the Ramadhan and Shawal months as a medium to train ourselves and others to strengthen our morals and faith.
Q:  Is it permissible for me to fast the six days of Shawwaal with the same intention as making up the days I did not fast in Ramadaan because of menstruation?.

Praise be to Allaah.  
That is not valid, because fasting the six days of Shawwaal can only be done after fasting Ramadaan in full. 
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said in Fataawa al-Siyaam (438): 
Whoever fasts the day of 'Arafah, or the day of 'Ashoora', but still owes days from Ramadaan, his fast is valid, but if he intends to fast this day to make up for a missed Ramadaan fast, he will have two rewards: the reward for the day of 'Arafah or 'Ashoora' along with the reward for making up the missed fast. This has to do with voluntary fasts in general that are not connected to Ramadaan. With regard to fasting the six days of Shawwaal, they are connected to Ramadaan and can only done after making up missed Ramadaan fasts. If he fasts them before making up missed Ramadaan fasts he will not attain that reward, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadaan then follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime." It is well known that whoever still owes days from Ramadaan is not regarded as having fasted Ramadaan until he makes up the days he missed.

Q:  Is it permissible to make up a missed fast on the second or third day of Eid?.
Praise be to Allaah.  
Eid al-Fitr lasts for just one day, which is the first day of Shawwaal. 
With regard to the commonly-held belief among people, that Eid al-Fitr lasts for three days, this is merely a custom that is known among the people, and has nothing to do with any shar'i rulings. 
Al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: 
Chapter: Fasting on the day of al-Fitr. 
Then he narrated (1992) that Abu Sa'eed (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade fasting on the day of al-Fitr and al-Nahr. 
Based on this, the day of al-Fitr is just one day, on which it is haraam to fast, As for the second and third days of Shawwaal, it is not haraam to fast those days; it is permissible to fast it to make up a missed Ramadaan fast or as a voluntary fast. 
And Allaah knows best.

Q:  A woman made up fasting two days she missed of Ramadaan without her husband permission (she did not tell him). She felt shy to tell her husband. If it was not permissible for her to do this, should she expiate?.
Praise be to Allaah.
A woman has to make up the days that she did not fast in Ramadaan even if that is without her husband's knowledge, and when it comes to an obligatory fast, her husband's permission is not essential. So the fast of the woman mentioned is valid. As for non-obligatory fasts, a woman should not fast when her husband is present except with his permission, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade women to fast when their husbands are present without their permission, apart from Ramadaan. 
And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Q:  What should a woman do first: fast the six recommended days of Shawwal ( Alayam Alsetta Albeed) or fast equivalent to the days she missed in Ramadan due to her monthly period?
Praise be to Allaah.
If she wants to earn the reward mentioned in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), "Whoever fasts Ramadaan then follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime" (reported by Muslim, no. 1984), then she should complete her Ramadaan fasts first, then follow it with six days of Shawwaal, so that the hadeeth with be applicable to her too, and she will gain the reward mentioned in it.
As regards the matter of permissibility, it is permissible for her to delay making up her Ramadaan fasts, provided that she makes them up before the next Ramadaan comes along.

Q:  With regard to the six days of Shawwal after Ramadaan, is it a condition that they should be fasted consecutively, or can I separate them? I want to fast them in three sessions, on the two days of the weekend.

Praise be to Allaah.
It is not a necessary condition that they should be fasted consecutively. If you fast them separately or consecutively, it is OK. The sooner you do them, the better, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meanings):
so compete in good deeds [al-Maaidah 5:48]
And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord [Aal Imran 3:133]
[Moosa peace be upon him said:] and I hastened to You, O my Lord, that You might be pleased [Ta-Ha 20:84]
And (you should hasten to fast these six days) because delaying may cause problems. This is the view of the Shaafa is and some of the Hanbalis, but it is OK if you do not hasten it and you delay it until the middle or end of the month.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Our companions said: it is mustahabb to fast six days of Shawwaal. Because of this hadeeth they said: it is mustahabb to fast these days consecutively at the beginning of Shawwaal, but if one separates them or delays them until after Shawwaal, this is permissible, because he will still be following the general guidelines of the hadeeth. We have no dispute regarding this matter, and this was also the view of Ahmad and Dawood.
Al-Majmoo Sharh al-Muhadhdhab


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