Abu Sufyan said, “I entered Madinah and saw a man with a crowd of people around him. I enquired, ‘Who is this man?’
They said, ‘Abu Hurayrah.’
I came close to him and sat down in front of him as he spoke to the people. When he became silent and the people left, I said,
‘I ask you by Allah, tell me of a hadeeth you heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and learnt.’
Abu Hurayrah replied, ‘I will. I will narrate to you a hadeeth I heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, which I have understood and learnt.’

Abu Hurayrah took a took a deep gasp, such that he fainted and remained so for a while, then he regained consciousness and said, ‘I will surely narrate to you what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ told me. The two of us were in this house and there was none other than us present.’

He then took another deep gasp, such that he fainted and remained so for a while, then he regained consciousness and wiped his face.
He then said, ‘I will surely narrate to you a hadeeth I heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. The two of us were in this house and there was none other than us present.’

Abu Hurayrah then took another deep gasp and fell forward onto his face, and I pleaded with him for a long time, then he regained consciousness and said, ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ told me that on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will descend to judge between His servants, and you will see each nation humbled on its knees.

The first people He will call are:

i) A man who had memorized the Qur’an
ii) A man who had been killed in Allah’s path
iii) A rich man

Allah will say to the recitor of the Qur’an: ‘Did I not teach you what I revealed to my messengers?’
He will say, ‘You certainly did!’
Allah will ask, ‘So what did you do with your knowledge?’
He will say, ‘I would be reciting morning and evening.’
Allah will say, ‘You have lied!’
The angels will also say, ‘You have lied!’

Allah will then say, ‘You wanted the people to say that so-and-so is a recitor, and this is what was said.’ (Meaning, you achieved your reward in the world since you were showing off with your actions. You wanted people’s praise and you achieved it, since the people praised you and said, ‘so-and-so is a recitor!’)

The rich man will then be brought and Allah will say to him: ‘Did I not give you plenty such that you never needed anyone’s help?’
He will say, ‘You certainly did.’
Allah will ask, ‘What did you do with the wealth I gave you?’
He will say, ‘I used to spend it on relatives and give in charity.’
Allah will say, ‘You have lied!’
The angels will also say, ‘You have lied!’

Allah will say, ‘You wanted the people to say that so-and-so is very generous! Now that was what was said.’

Then the person who was killed in Allah’s path will be brought.
He will be asked, ‘Why were you killed?’
He will say, ‘You ordered me to make Jihad, and so I fought until I was killed.’
Allah will say, ‘You have lied!’
The angels will also say, ‘You have lied!’

Allah will say, ‘Rather, you wanted the people to say that so-and-so is brave! Now that was what was said.’

Abu Hurayrah said, ‘The Prophet ﷺ then placed his hands on my knees and said, “O Abu Hurayrah! Those three will be the first of Allah’s creation to be thrown to the fire as FUEL on the Day of Resurrection.’”

(al-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim, Sahih)
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MORAL: This Hadith is one of the scariest for me. Three most desired positions for any Muslim- a scholar, a wealthy man who spends in Allah’s cause, a martyr. And these three top notch positions can become the fuel of hell fire. And not just fuel. But the first to be thrown from which the fuel of hell-fire begins where in if a person falls he will keep on falling for 70 years to reach the depth of hell-fire. May Allah save us from being among those. Ameen…And not to mention the effect of this Hadith on Abu Hurayrah RadiAllahu Anhu who kept fainting whenever he wanted to narrate this Hadith.

And WHY will such reputed people be punished so severely???

BECAUSE OF THEIR INTENTIONS…They strived, struggled, and worked hard all their life but their intention wasn’t to please Allah but to gain people’s praise and respect.

We might spend all our lives in worshipping Allah. Praying, charity, highest possible character, martyrdom, enjoining good and forbidding evil on others, doing dawa’ah but if it’s not for ALLAH’S SAKE then it’s all down the drain on the day of resurrection.

So let us purify our intentions . Whatever we decide to do let us make sure we do it for Allah’s sake. Make sure there is no show-off, no bragging involved. Make sure we are not proud over the good changes that we are bringing in ourselves. Instead be happy, be thankful and be humble that Allah has given you a chance to change.

We may not achieve the highest level yet but Allah looks at the efforts not the results…..


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