1. The woman who applies for a divorce is required to fill an application form, which cover most of the details about the marriage itself. She has to provide a Marriage Certificate and other relevant documents.

2. On receiving the application form, the Council sends an initial form conveying her request to her husband and asking his views and com

ments about her application.

3. If the husband does not reply, the Council writes a second letter again if he does not reply the Council sends a third letter giving him the final notice. To ensure the accuracy and validity of the husband's address, the Council asks the woman at this stage to verify with evidence that the address provided by her is where the husband is living. If required, the Council can arrange an individual trace report for a fee. The Council will send copies of all three letters via recorded delivery to the husband one final time.

4. In case the husband replies to any of the above letters the Council passes his comments to wife asking for her views. This exchange of letters may prolong the matter but in order to clarify the situation both parties are allowed to express their views.

5. During that period one or both parties are invited to be interviewed by the representatives of the Council. In order to facilitate the interview the Council is assisted by a good number of Imams and Scholars in different parts of the UK who could be approached for such interviews. These representatives send their reports to the Council's office in London.

6. All such cases in which the reports have been received are presented to the Council's Monthly Meeting held at the Islamic Cultural Centre (since March 2001) for the final decision.

7. Once the decision is taken, both the parties are informed of it by post.

Source: Islamic Sharia Council


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