Duas for Quick and Perfection in Learning.

Quickness of Learning
Du'a relating to the quickening of the learning, or for the sharpness of memory are as follows:

'Rabbi zidni 'ilmann'

Before reciting al Qur'an
Before reciting the Qur'an al kareem, or studying an important book ; one may read:

'Bismillahi wa Subhaan Allahi wa la ilaaha illallahu wallahu akbar wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'azimi adada kulli harfinn kutiba wa yuktabu abadal 'Abidina wa Daharad Dahirina wa sallallahu ta'alaa 'alaa syidina Muhammadiw wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.'

Perfection in learning
If one wishes not to waste a single letter, of what he has learnt ; then the pious have stated that before he starts to study or read, he should recite:

'Allahummaf tah 'alayna hikmata ka wan shur 'alayna rahmata ka ya dhal jalali wal ikrami'


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