A Reminder for our Believing Women
A Reminder for our Believing Women
- By Aboo Zaynab Tawfeeq Ibn Hosley
Overview :
This is a lecture that should put the heart of every woman at ease. Though the life of a woman in Islaam may seem difficult to some who have no knowledge, or insight, Allaah Has promised Paradise for His righteous servants.
The brother starts the sermon with - Khutbatul-Haajah -
Today's Khutbah is a reminder for myself and everyone else who is sitting here and all those who may hear about this khutbah and i.e. the prohibition of Ikhtilaaq - of freely mixing between male and female. Al Islaam has placed before us the ways to reduce the temptations of the fitnah of Nisaah and that is this ikhtilaaq � (is freely mixing between a man and a woman) --- a woman mixing with a man who does not have a mahram and this is prohibited in Islaam. This is the ways that destroys the society and this is the reason why we are going to speak about this today because it is the women who build the society. When you look at the society of today, we see that the women, they are amongst the people that are destroying the society. Because the strongest evidence that prohibits this mixing between men and women when Allaah Azzawajal says in Kitaab al-Azeez i.e. the Quraan :
"Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala commands the women to stay in their houses and He prohibits them from making this dazzling display of themselves."
Why did Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala inform us thus? Why did He encourage them and command them to stay in their houses? It is because they will not be molested and they stay in their houses and remember Allaah subhana wa ta'ala and they will be protected in their houses. So that they can be protected from all of the evils that occur when they leave their house.
Yes, when we look at this ayat, look at today's society na'am when you go and buy airline tickets, whom do you see? except women.
When you go to the bank, whom do you see? except women.
When you want to buy a car, whom do you see? except women.
When you want to pay your electricity bill / gas bill whom do you see? except women.
Na'am, they are the ones who are destroying the society. They are the ones who are allowing the destruction of the society. It is because we don't want to listen to the guidance of Allaah subhana wa ta'ala. Because if you listen to the guidance and heed the guidance and implement the guidance and disseminate this guidance amongst the people we will be amongst the people who are successful.
Na'am the above ayah is about what? It is about women staying in their houses. Staying in their houses and not making a dazzling display of themselves.
When Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala says : "Ask them from behind the hijab." Why??
Why? Because when you ask them from behind the hijab it is better and it will conceal the disease of that person that is asking. Like the words of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam : It will conceal, it will protect them from their disease because they don't see them.
And the other ayat that proceeds this is :
And when the women speak from behind the hijab they are not going to speak to try and tempt you or allure you or attract you to that temptation. But because we are far away from the guidance of Allaah subhana wa ta'ala and we want to be on something that is not right.
Na'm when we talk on the telephone and we want to ask about a brother : "is he home?" We want to get all personal with his wife : "How are you doing? I heard you were sick. How are the children?"
This is not the place for you to be asking her. You should ask her husband when he returns and you catch him and you are able to talk to him.
That is why the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told to ask from behind the Hijab so that it can protect her.
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