Guidance for the Muslim Wife- Part 3

Rasulullah(sal) said:" Once I saw a ghair mahram(strange) man and woman together in a place. Consequently I had strong fear that shaitaan will make use of this opportunity i.e. he will besmirch their character and destroy the honour of the woman.
Rasulullah(sal) said:" Keep yourselves away from strange women. One companion asked:" O Rasul of Allah, tell me can the husbands mix freely with his sister-in-law." Rasulullah(sal) replied:" He is like death for a woman." i.e just partaking of poison leads to death in this world, similarly the brother-in-law's mixing with a woman is poison for their character and a cause of destruction of the life of hereafter.
Rasulullah(sal) said:"It is haraam for the woman of my Ummath to take bath in the public baths." i.e. a woman should keep away from places which are frequentely visited by ghair mahram males. What purpose do they have in a place frequently visited by males?
Rasulullah(sal) said:" Whichever woman applies scent should not join us for the isha prayers. During the early Islamic era, women used to perform salaat behind Rasulullah(sal) in congregation. On that occassion Rasulullah(sal) said:" Those women who apply perfume should not come to the masjid for salaat, because there is a fear of instilling desire in the hearts of men due to the sweet fragrance of the perfume and this will cause corruption." If Rasulullah(sal) prevented woman who applied perfume from attending the masjid during his noble era, there will be a greater need for precaution in this age of corruption.

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