The Importance of Remaining Silent- Part 1

It is a fact that an individual who talks a lot compels others to talk. He/She not only wastes his/her time but the time of others too. Quite often such a person regrets again and again faces a lot of problems. Nabi (sal) said" The one who remains silent achieves peace" in another "To remain silent is better than praying for 60yrs.

Those who like to gossip a lot, make scandels, make an issue out of nothing and those who sometimes like getting involved in unnecessary talk read the following....

There are 4 reasons to avoid gossiping:

  • All unnecessary talk is taken into account by Kiraaman Katibeen(recording angels) therfore a person must feel ashamed and not to disturb the angels by making them write any thing unnecessary.

  • It is not good that when an individuals account( deeds performed by him in this world) is presented before Allah it be full of unnecessary talk.

  • Every individual will be asked to read out the account of his deeds, in front of all the creations of Allah on the Day of judgement. At that moment all the hardships will be in front of him; people will have no clothes on their bodies, they would be restless due to extreme thirst, their backs will be hurting due to hunger. They would be stopped from entering heaven and all the comforts they were recieving will be stopped. In such a terrible condition reading out the account of ones deeds would be very troublesome, especially if it is full of unnecessary talk, (even if 15min are spent gossiping would count upto 187 days and 12hrs which is approximately just over 6 months, imagine on that day the sun will be a quarter mile away, the ground will be made up of copper, who would have the courage of standing in such conditions for 6 months and read out his account of deeds? This was the case in which we considered 15min gossiping everyday, but we spend hours and hours gossiping with our friends! Apart from other sins committed.

  • On the Day of Judgement every individual would be punished for unnecessary talk, he would be made to feel sorryand will not be able to make any excuse in front of Allah for his deeds.


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