Narrations of the Salaf about Sincerity, Showing off and the Love of Fame

Narrations of the Salaf about Sincerity, Showing off and the Love of Fame

Ayoob As-Sakhtayaani used to pray the night prayer, and he would conceal this. If morning arrived, he would raise his voice as if he only awoke at that hour. (Sifatus Safwah: 3/492)

Abdus Samad ibn Abdil Waarith said: Hawshab would cry and say: My name has reached the Masjid Al-Jaami'.
It is reported upon Abul Aliyah that if more than three people were to gather and sit around him, he would get up. (At-Tawaadu':47)
It is reported upon Bishr ibn Al-Haarith that he said: Oh Allaah. If you have made me famous to expose me on the day of judgement, then strip it away from me. (Az-Zuhd by Al-Bayhaqi: 147)
Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said: No one loves leadership except that they are envious, transgress, search for the faults of the people and hate that anyone be mentioned with good. (Jaami' Bayaan Al-'ilm: 1/652)
Abdullaah ibn Al-Mubaarak said: Sufyaan Ath-Thawri said to me: Beware of fame. Everyone I met warned me about fame. (As-Siyar: 7/260)

Abul 'Aaliyyah said: The Companions of Muhammed said to me: "Do not perform an action for other than Allaah, as He will leave you to the one whom you have acted for." (Al-Musannaf: 7/207)
Hamdoon Al-Qassaar was asked:
"Why is the speech of the Salaf more beneficial than ours?
He replied: This is because they spoke to give ascendancy to Islam and to please The Most Merciful; whereas we speak to give ascendancy to ourselves, to seek after the worldly life and please the creation.
(Safwatus Safwah: 2/122)

Muhammed ibn Al-Qaasim said:I accompanied Muhammed ibn Aslam for more than 20 years, and I never saw him pray two supererogatory rak'ahs, except on the day of Jum'ah. On one occasion, I heard him take an oath: "By Allaah- If I was able to pray a supererogatory prayer where my two angels could not see me; I would do so out of fear of showing off. He used to enter his house and close his door. I was never aware of what he would get up to until I heard his young son conversing how he used to cry. However, when he used to go outside, he would wash his face and apply kuhl, and no sign of him crying would be visible. He used to provide for a people and clothe them, but when he would send his Messenger, he used to say: Make sure they don't know who sent you. (As-Siyar: 12/201)


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